Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

Drammatico, di Alessandro Zonin, Italia, 2023.
Two young Marines share a room in a military hospital after being injured on a mission. Now they are healed and the time has come to return home: while waiting to leave they exchange confidences, expectations and plans. A beautiful and silent nurse looks after them with care, until the unexpected ending.

Director's notes.
War has always been a source of great suggestions, the cinema has told it hundreds of times and has explored every hidden recess. Personally, I have always considered war an event as absurd as it is inevitably linked to the nature of man, whether we like it or not. Many, countless conflicts have taken place and are still taking place in the name of the most illogical reasons, often fomented by enormous commercial interests which, like a steamroller, crush every feeling, every affection, every life project. This is where I started writing Rise and Shine: from the desire to tell once again how feelings, affections and expectations survive even the most absurd of deaths. Two young men, torn from their world and thrown on the front lines fighting an enemy they don't even know, for reasons they don't know, in a land they've often never even heard of, lose their lives while they're still planning their future as a family, affection, work and home.

SUBTITLES: Spanish, French, German, Portuguese

Rise and Shine