The Hollywood Tour

The Hollywood Tour

Drama, by the Spies brothers, United States, 2020.
A young American named Gus runs away from home and begins to spend his nights on the street, homeless, smoking weed and sleeping in a park. Meet Cedar, an older boy who sells tickets to tourists for Hollywood tours, in the desperation of the "Walks of Fame" and the affluent neighborhoods of Los Angeles, where many Americans try to survive with makeshift jobs and no longer have a home. Gus thinks Cedar might offer him a job but then she discovers that he sleeps in his car and his days aren't any better than his. A friendship and a feeling of solidarity are born between the two to be able to get out of a difficult situation. We know little about the two characters and nothing more is ever revealed to us. The mystery of their identity becomes the mystery of an incomprehensible society.

The Hollywood Tour is shot exclusively with a smartphone, without professional actors, without photography or any kind of artifice, with a confused sound like that of everyday life. The director limits himself to rigorously filming what happens and editing the scenes interfering as little as possible with the events that flow. The film takes us inside the streets of Hollywood and the struggle for survival of two young people with an extreme example of truth cinema. Long sequence shots, simple daily actions that we don't get bored to observe, because we perceive the life that flows behind the images. Others events are very fast, confusing and unexpected, just like in real life. Hollywood Tour has the advantage of using together the techniques and artistic choices that can elevate independent and experimental cinema above the great spectacular film productions: life is always more amazing than any fantasy, sincerity is more interesting than any spectacular confection .

SUBTITLES: Spanish, French, German, Portuguese

The Hollywood Tour