

Suspense, excitement, surprise, anxiety: thrillers keep you "on the edge of your seat" as the plot approaches its final climax. Searching for information, red herrings, twists and turns and bad characters are the most used ingredients. Legal thriller, spy thriller, action-adventure thriller, medical thriller, crime thriller, romantic thriller, historical thriller, political thriller, religious thriller, high-tech thriller, military thriller, with new variations continuously invented. Intensity of emotions, apprehension and euphoria, designed to create the thrill.

  • Valdemar


    Short film, sci-fi, by Edo Tagliavini, Italy, 2011.
    Freely adapted from "The Strange Case of M. Valdemar" by Edgar Allan Poe: a man on his deathbed, is mesmerized (a kind of hypnosis), remaining suspended between life and death until ...

    LANGUAGE: Italian
    SUBTITLES: English

  • Slow life


    Drama, comedy, thriller, by Fabio Del Greco, Italy, 2021.
    Lino Stella takes a period of vacation from his alienating job to devote himself to relaxation and his passion: drawing comics. But he did not foresee certain disturbing elements: the intrusive administrator of the building where he lives,...

  • 12 cm of heel


    Short movie, thriller, by Fabio Giovinazzo, Italy, 2018.
    "12 cm heels" is a medium-lenght thriller movie directed by Fabio Giovinazzo where a savage murder catered increasingly to the vogue for the fanciful and the bizarre.

    LANGUAGE: italian
    SUBTITLES: english

  • Occidente


    Drama film, by Jorge Acebo Canedo, 2019, Spain.
    Torino Underground Cinefest 2020, Ponferrada International Film Festival 2019. A fugitive director in exile named H returns to the industrial city he fled from long ago, in an unknown time and place. Gloria, the worker he left behind and whom she lo...

  • Dementia 13


    Horror, Thriller, by Francis Ford Coppola, United States, 1963.
    Francis Ford Coppola's debut film produced at low cost by Roger Corman, who wanted a film on the model of low budget Psycho with gothic atmospheres and heinous crimes. The Haloran family gathers in their Irish castle to commemorate t...

  • Scarlet street


    Thriller, by Fritz Lang, United States, 1945.
    Lang reprises the cast and the ambiguous triangle from "The Woman in the Portrait" and makes one of his best films, telling a story of guilt and degradation. A senior bank employee, Christopher Cross, has an insufferable wife and only one pastime: pai...

  • Carnival of souls


    Horror, by Herk Harvey, United States, 1962.
    Mary Henry emerges unscathed from a car accident that killed her two companions, and sets off on a strange adventure in Salt Lake City, where she finds herself drawn to a dilapidated lakeside pavilion and haunted by a ghostly figure (played by same dir...

  • The stranger


    Thriller, by Orson Welles, United States, 1946.
    Orson Welles, a filmmaker who has always been against the Hollywood system, did not like this film made inside the studios, but strangely he managed to create a commercial product beyond his own expectations, managing to insert his unmistakable styl...

  • Silent night, bloody night


    Horror, by Theodore Gershuny, United States, 1972.
    1972 American Slasher, is a forerunner horror genre several years before Carpenter's Halloween, with a complex script and first person shooting of the killer, which inspired many subsequent films. Its originality and its narration are what manage...